We're transitioning to a blog for the news on the PRIDE site. This will make it easier for us to post news (allowing more than just me to add items) as well as make it easier for us to notify people of things (see RSS description in the The Fate of PRIDE Lunches is Changing... post.)
While we complete the transition, you'll notice some links not working right, and some things missing from some of the pages. Please be patient with us while we work out the kinks.
We're excited with the direction this can take the site and hope you'll enjoy the new features as we get them implemented.
Please also welcome Jarin Blackham to the blog. He'll be helping me update content here. If you're a PRIDEster and wish to help contribute to the news also, please contact Jeff Litster (my information is in the contact list...)
Thanks for visiting! Check back soon... And please let us know about broken links or other things wrong with the site.
The Surgery
5 years ago