Melissa Pond is moving away.
It was a good reason to have a pot-luck dinner at Jeff Litster's House (Gwen is making Taco soup). Come and enjoy some time with Melissa before her exodus to Los Angeles!
Please leave a comment if you are planning on coming and let everyone know what you are bringing (side, drink, dessert) and how many people are coming (adults, children). We can't wait to see all of you.
Date: Friday March 14, 2008
Time: 6:30pm
Where: Jeff Litster home (Riverton)
(For directions please email Jeff)
PS: Melissa's baby daughter is finishing recovery from RSV; Jeff has twin infants and Jered has a baby daughter as well. If you have sick ones, please arrange to leave them home with a sitter so we avoid getting the wee ones sick!
13 March 2008 Update: Jeff's kids woke up with coughs yesterday morning... they seem to be the morning/evening-only coughs and we're not sure if they're colds or allergies or what... they don't seem serious yet but 3 of my 5 have them. If everyone's still comfortable coming, I'm still willing to host Friday and we'll keep the kids at bay as much as possible (they're pretty good about covering their coughs with their arms (instead of their hands) to help prevent spreading. Please comment and let me know who has concerns...
Jered also mentioned his baby daughter has a cough too... I don't know the status of Melissa's daughter's RSV recovery...
If need be, we can reschedule, or go somewhere else. Sorry for the late notice, but it came on sudden for all of us. Please let us know by leaving comments here whether or not you'd still like to go for Friday night. I'd like to make it work if we can.
14 March 2008 Update: Unfortunately, we have had to cancel the dinner for tonight. With illnesses affecting so many of us, we will enter a holding pattern to let everyone get better. Jeff will talk with Melissa about alternate dates, and we'll let everyone know as soon as one is chosen. Thanks for understanding, and everyone: get well soon!!
Consult with Surgeon #2 and scheduled!
6 years ago
My wife and baby will be coming with me. we are going to bring breadsticks.
I SO wish that I could come!! Becky sends her love too. We have fond memories of little miss Pond. ;o) Best of Luck, Melissa.
Sarah, Becky (Snarr) & Rob Castleton
I'll be there with my 2 adults and 5 children... :)
We'll be providing the taco soup.
We can't wait to see everyone; especially the guest-of-honor, Melissa!
D' Buns will be bringing some drinkage as he was so assigned by That One Guy. Haven't seen some of you for quite a while now :) Looking forward to Friday night.
Jeff. Can Kimmie be my date please?
Say hi to Melissa Pond from a fellow former West Jordan High-er! I'll be in Kansas--finding my brain after studying for my midterms ;)
I was looking forward to seeing everyone, especially Melissa, who won't be around for future get-togethers. I won't be able to attend since my son's birthday party is scheduled for Friday night, and I'm the chauffer.
Good luck in your new diggs, Melissa!!
Sounds fun to me, That one guy lives pretty close to my work so i can just drop by after work. It will be fun to see everyone. Now i just need a food assignment :)
If we still go through with Friday night, bring something dessert-esque, please and thank you!
Chris, if we still go through with Friday night... Kimmie can be your cuddle-buddy (no dates til she's 16; maybe not even then...) :)
Everyone else... please leave a message and let me know if we still want to get together Friday night (my house or elsewhere... I'm still willing to host at my place if everyone's ok with my kids' coughs...)
Lemme know!
I'm still ok...Camden is not coughing today.
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